Wednesday 11 April 2012

Cape of Good Hope, Penguins, & Knysna

Cape Point, Penguins, & Knysna

This is mostly a picture post. Last post for today as my battery is almost dead. I will put up three more posts tomorrow! People have been asking for more pictures so I'm putting up a lot more! 

We went to the Southern-most tip of Africa: the Cape Point. In addition, this area is also where the Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean meet. We drove up on the mountains for about an hour to get there. After we got to the official area, we got out and had a half hour walk up to the scenic view. It was absolutely stunning! Below are some pictures of what I saw. The experience is a little surreal. I couldn’t believe that I was at such a beautiful place. It reminded me how privileged I am to be able to travel and have these experiences.

We also went to a Penguin colony briefly. I saw lots of penguins! Unfortunately for me and fortunately for the penguins, visitors aren’t allowed to go past the fence and into the beach where the penguins are.

After the Cape Town trip, we had a two night stay in a beautiful little sea city called Knysna. We went canoeing and there were some gorgeous sights. I have never been canoeing before so I am very glad that I went with my friend Andrew (he's an expert and has gone on a 35 day trip to the Arctic)- another group tipped into the cold water but thankfully my first canoeing experience didn't involve a swim! We went picture crazy in the area! =]


  1. Of all the photos, I like the Cape Point ones the best! You should have considered the marriage proposal seriously - would have been an "international match." Born Sri Lankan, became an American, and married an African!
    Keep posting more pics and stories. I love to read them. Dad.

  2. Dad! I am worth more than a few cows! But glad you liked the posts and pics =]
